Peanut turns 1
Dear Maddie,
You celebrated your 1st birthday this past weekend. I know all parents say it goes by so fast and I won't lie, it really does. But that doesn't mean there weren't some very, very slow moments as well. One I remember vividly. The night when you woke up to breastfeed and would not go back to sleep no matter what. Your daddy was sleeping upstairs to avoid being disturbed. I finally reached a point where I lost my mind and ran into the living room and turned on the overhead lights and started screaming his name. I feel badly about that now because I think he almost pooped himself in fear of what was happening. At the time I just felt PISSED. And at the end of my rope. Luckily, no one was harmed and he did an excellent job of tending to you. He also gently suggested next time I might try waking him up earlier to help out and using less frightening methods.
I am in awe of how much you have grown over the past year. Some things really snuck up on me. For the first time you waved at someone on Sunday. Open and close hand. I can't actually be sure it is a wave and not the quack motion I make when imitating a duck. Let's go with the wave theory. You are crawling all over the place and pull up on everything and everyone. You also have a knack for kicking your dad in the balls. A lot. And like the juvenile 8 year old I am mentally, I giggle every time. You can spot the smallest piece of dirt, poop, fuzz, dust ever seen by human eyes and will pop it into your mouth. I have been laid back about this but do wonder if it will have any serious health reprecussions in the future. Possibly a hair ball when you are 6?
Your great grandmother told me to use a spoon when feeding you at your party. Most likely the potatoes called for a spoon. But as soon as she opened her mouth I just wanted to start feeding you everything under the sun that you definitely need a spoon for. Ice cream, pudding, soup, anything just to spite her. I realize it wasn't very mature of me but she did mutter something about "raising a dog". You have a wonderful extended family.
Your daddy and I love you very much. So much we are going to Mexico for 6 days and leaving you. We will miss you but you are in great hands with Aunt Lori and your grandparents. Please be kind to them.
Love, mama
Nice. Reading that is like cutting an onion then slipping with the knife and cutting your finger as well: it makes you cry uncontrollably and it hurts. Her Aunt Lori will do the best she can to take care of her!
I'm voting for the wave theory.
LJ-i sure hope when you say it makes you cry and it hurts that is because it is touching and you like that S&M sort of thing.
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