contains peanuts

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas hangover

We just finished our last Christmas celebration last night. Yes, some jackass thought that the Wednesday after Christmas is a good choice for holiday get togethers. Now, if my cousin is reading this I want to clarify that I don't really think you are a jackass and I greatly appreciated your hospitality and you have a lovely home. Moving on. Wednesday. An hour's drive from my house one way. Christmas has a way of just beating me down. And maybe it is just because I have been nursing a cold for 34 days but I don't think so. Family can be so...draining.

I realize I sound like the Grinch and I must say I have lots of love for most of my family. I just don't need to see all of them in the same weekend. I don't need to watch my husband get hostile because there is no "plan" for serving the food at the dinner table. I also don't need a mini lecture from my father-in-law about the importance of traditions and how new people just need to "come into the fold"* is how I think he put it. Yes, my 14 month old daughter should really get her act together so we can do Christmas Eve services at 11:00 p.m. How thoughtless of her. And then there are the extended family, the people I struggle to find any common interest with so we can fake conversation for at least 5 minutes. It is HARD.

I would like to say that there were many lovely moments and I was happy to get the chance to see people. I also enjoyed the ridiculous amount of food and the opportunity to show off my cute kid. Since I have no idea what the holidays will be like next year I will try and focus on the positives and move forward.

I hope you all (yes, this means Melissa and Lori) had a wonderful holiday and have a Happy New Year.

*My apologies for over use of quotations.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

First off, adorable picture of Maddie.

Second, "Never apologize," is what I say. Use quotation marks all you want!

Third, eleven o'clock should be manageable for a just past one-year-old. Stop coddling her! How else will she be able to stay up to see in the new year at midnight?

At 4:09 PM, Blogger halllaur said...

Hey girl. I'm agreeing with you on the whole "christmas is a burden thing" (note use of quotation marks). I shall soon send you a link to my blog when I have time to think. Between hosting my family's Christmas for two days, leaving my job, and starting school...I'm going a little nuts.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger karen said...

laurie-how nice to hear from you! i was wondering if you got my blog email or not. lots of big changes in the works for you. i know you will do great!

mel-instead of keeping maddie up until midnight i just went in her room, turned on the lights and showered her with Asti. she loved it.


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